Could the All the Troll Races Be United Again Wow

Aqir and Troll War
Date Around xvi,000 years before the First State of war
Location Old Kalimdor

Decisive troll victory

  • Formation of the Empire of Zul
  • Aqir Empire cleaved and scattered
  • Dispersed aqir enclaves grade distinct cultures, including: the nerubians, qiraji, and mantid
  • The Gurubashi, Amani, and Drakkari tribes establish new nations around the continent
Commanders and leaders

Azj'Aqir empire

  • Kith'ix †
    • Mythrax[i]

Empire of Zul

  • IconSmall Zandalari Male.gif Unknown Zandalari leader(s)
  • Jungle troll Jungle troll  Unknown Gurubashi leader(south)
  • Forest troll Forest troll  Unknown Amani leader(s)
  • Ice troll Ice troll  Unknown Drakkari leader(s)
Casualties and losses

Azj'Aqir empire

  • Heavy
    • Kith'9 killed

Empire of Zul

  • Moderate to heavy
Previous First war between the earthen and the iron dwarves
Concurrent Called-for Crusade
Next The Great Purge

The Aqir and Troll War [2] was a major conflict which occurred on Old Kalimdor, and was fought between a resurgent Azj'Aqir Empire and the newly-formed Empire of Zul, a coalition of the most powerful troll tribes. The war began around 16,000 years earlier the Dark Portal and saw the 2 races fight viciously for dominance of the continent.[3]

Having been seriously injured long ago in an meet with the keeper Tyr, the C'Thrax known as Kith'9 went into a deep hibernation at the base of the Zandalar mountain range. Millennia afterwards, his torso was discovered past curious trolls who promptly conducted rituals and living sacrifices to reawaken what they believed was a loa. Enkindling at these events and promptly slaying the trolls, Kith'ix made contact with the fallow aqir, who had remained hidden underground since the fall of the Black Empire. He ordered them to begin to build up their numbers, and they created a vast subterranean empire chosen Azj'Aqir. Finally prepared, the C'Thrax drove the aqir into a frenzy and urged them to lay waste to the bustling troll civilizations, with the goal of pleasing the Old Gods and to begin cleansing the world for their eventual return. The aqir swarmed the troll lands and began systematically destroying the bulk of smaller tribes.

In response to this, the powerful Zandalar tribe created an brotherhood consisting of the trolls' largest tribes: the Zandalari, Gurubashi, Amani, and Drakkari. They dubbed this unified force the Empire of Zul and began to coordinate information technology against the encroaching aqir. Troll priests were even successful in enlisting the help of the mighty Wild Gods to set on their enemies. Under the Zandalari'southward leadership, the trolls succeeded in halting the aqir offensive and began driving them back. Seeking to destroy the insectoids utterly, each troll tribe now began to hunt down aqir colonies and destroy them. To this cease, many of the tribes ventured to unlike parts of the continent.

The Drakkari tribe went to the freezing northward and engaged a large colony of aqir, who were bolstered past Obsidian destroyers captured from the titan stronghold of Ulduar. Afterward much fighting, the Drakkari's ingenuity immune them to finally defeat beat out their enemies. To the southwest, the Gurubashi tribe had also encountered the aqir as well equally corrupted titan-forged. Having taken over the fortress of Ahn'Qiraj and enslaved its keepers, the aqir launched devastating attacks on the Gurubashi forces. At the direction of the Zandalari, the trolls began to split up their forces into more maneuverable groups and prosecuted an effective guerrilla war that brought the aqir armies to their knees. Meanwhile, the Amani had begun hunting the aqir'due south leader, who had retreated deep into the northeastern woodlands. Cut through innumerable aqir, almost all of the tribe flung itself in a suicidal assault on the C'Thrax. Although merely a tiny fraction of the trolls survived, they succeeded in finally bringing down their mighty foe. This success made the Amani tribe legendary amongst the other troll nations.

Earlier long, the aqir, while not quite driven to extinction, were unable to continue the war and the trolls subsequently declared themselves the victors. The troll tribes, now far from their original home near the center of the continent, chose to settle in these new areas which they had discovered, founding new cities and empires such every bit Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman, and Zul'Drak. The various remaining pockets of aqir, now confined to separate areas of the continent, branched off and adult their own cultures every bit they also formed new, private empires. These included the mantid in the south, the qiraji in the southwest, and the nerubians in the due north. The state of war, while subversive for both sides, firmly established the mortal, humanoid races as the rulers of the continent; although this would not be the terminal fourth dimension the aqir and their descendants would effort to boss the land.[4]


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 The Rise of the Trolls
    • 1.2 Kith'ix and the Aqir
    • 1.3 The Empire of Zul
    • 1.4 Aftermath
  • ii Legacy
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 References


The Rise of the Trolls

The Zandalari temple metropolis of Zuldazar.

A normal troll

Millennia earlier the events of the First War, a relatively intelligent and sophisticated race of creatures emerged from the dense woodlands around the Well of Eternity and quickly proved extremely adept at surviving in their surroundings. Living as hunter-gatherers, this new race, the trolls, began to thrive in the surrounding forests. Although only possessing boilerplate intelligence when compared to Azeroth'southward modern races, the trolls had keen agility and force and their unique physiology immune them to recover from physical injuries at an amazing rate, even to the point of being capable of regenerating lost limbs over fourth dimension. Over the years, troll lodge developed many superstitious community, some practicing ritual cannibalism or devoting themselves to warfare. Some even sought mystical and arcane cognition, often using meditation. A dark and powerful form of magic eventually developed amidst the burgeoning troll societies: voodoo.

An extremely spiritual people, all trolls, regardless of their path in life, held a deep reverence for Kalimdor'southward mysterious and elusive Wild Gods, powerful demigods that the trolls worshipped, calling them the 'loa'. In their devotion to their religious behavior, the troll race gradually began to migrate to and gather effectually a series of not bad peaks and plateaus south of the center of the continent. This mountain range's importance lay in the fact that many of the trolls' honored loa resided here. The trolls ultimately named the sacred mountain range Zandalar and soon began to develop a civilization upon its slopes. The well-nigh powerful and spiritual grouping of trolls was known every bit the Zandalar tribe, and they laid claim to almost all of the mountain peaks and plateaus, considering them to be holy footing. Upon the highest peaks, they began to construct numerous shrines and temples to their deities. In time, these grew to get a humming temple city known as Zuldazar.

This period proved to be something of a golden age for the troll race; unchallenged by all but their brethren, the trolls began to expand in all directions. Eventually, although still not having expanded very far from Well of Eternity, various factions laid claim to a particular area and territories were fully established. Equally the centuries progressed, several other tribes grew to rival the power and prestige of the Zandalari. The Gurubashi, Amani, and Drakkari all held large amounts of territories and, on occasion, even challenged the Zandalari in their position every bit the near powerful and influential of tribes. It was not uncommon for these powerful tribes to go to war with each other, normally over disputed territories or for specific resources. For the most office, still, these wars were benign and rarely lasted long enough for any major conflicts to occur. The trolls were so very skilled at hunting and fighting that any large confrontation would prove to be extremely costly for all parties involved, regardless of which side won. Untouched and unclaimed country was plentiful in every management, and the diverse factions apace realized that information technology was wiser to resettle or withdraw rather than to risk an open and potentially costly war.[five]

Kith'ix and the Aqir

A troll mystic

A typical C'Thrax full general, similar to Kith'9.

There was only one location which the trolls were actively forbidden from disturbing by their priests and mystic. This was a nighttime mound of blackened earth and stone located at the base of the Zandalar Mountains. The loa warned troll priests of severe consequences should they disturb this place, and for centuries none dared to. Eventually, withal, a grouping of curious and rebellious trolls resigned to throw caution to the wind and plumbed the forbidden mound. What they discovered was that the black stones were not rocks—they were the jagged hide of a big and monstrous creature. Stunned and excited past their discovery, they incorrectly believed that what they had unearthed was a loa. They further concluded that this loa must exist one of a particular power, equally the other spirits appeared to be afraid of its presence. Adamant to awaken this being, the trolls performed vile ceremonies and rituals, including living sacrifices. Roused past the ritually-spilled claret, a gigantic C'Thraxxi full general emerged from its millennia-long slumber and immediately viciously slew those who had revived it. Far from a Wild God, this being was Kith'ix, a being who had survived a major encounter with the keeper Tyr, many years prior. Gravely wounded from the consequence, the C'Thrax had fled southwestward to what would become known every bit the Zandalari Mountains, before collapsing into deep hibernation. Reeling from its presence, the ancient loa in the region cached the being beneath the earth so that, it was assumed, no other fauna would disturb it.

The newly-awoken Kith'ix looked upon the troll civilization with contempt; it was but a pale shadow of the glorious Black Empire which had once laid claim to the world'due south entire landmass. The C'Thrax decided that it would be a fitting tribute to the Old Gods if these nations were reduced to ash. Kith'9 now reached out with his mind, seeking any of the Sometime Gods' servants who yet lived. Information technology soon found a race of creatures it could control—the aqir. Since the fall of the Black Empire, these insectoids had remained subconscious in small warrens and tunnels deep beneath the basis. Kithi'ix at present rallied the dormant aqiri swarms, driving them to plant dominance over the continent once over again. As the C'Thrax expanded its power and recovered, the aqir began creating a vast subterranean empire called Azj'Aqir. Observing these preparations patiently, Kith'nine watched equally the aqiri ranks swelled in number. When its host was large enough, Kith'9 led them from their secret lairs and they swarmed across the state.

As the aqiri conquest began, many smaller troll tribes hopelessly brutal before their tide. Although the trolls were skilled and formidable fighters, the aqiri threat was unique from anything they had faced before, and they did not know how to combat them finer. Uninhibited, the vast insectoid legions pressed on, penetrating deeper and deeper into trolls lands. Shortly, the aqir were encroaching the sacred Zandalar Mountains themselves, at which point the Zandalari moved to act. Through negotiations with the other tribes, the Zandalari united the iii other most powerful ones into a unmarried mighty force, which they named the Empire of Zul. The members of this newly-formed alliance would put bated past differences and transgressions and piece of work together to end the aqir threat.[six]

The Empire of Zul

The Zandalari themselves took on the function of leading the united troll armies. From their strategic positions in the heights of the Zandalar Mountains, they could observe enemy movements and direct attacks at enemy weak points. This proved highly effective, and the trolls became able to consistently outmaneuver the more rigid aqir. Nether the Zandalari's guidance, the other tribes began employing ambush tactics in the surrounding jungles and forests to whittle down the enemy'southward vast numbers, which would ordinarily allow them to overwhelm the trolls. Elsewhere, the tribes' priests summoned the formidable loa and beseeched them for their aid confronting the relentless insectoids. These ferocious Wild Gods joined the troll warriors in battle, ripping through the aqiri ranks and even managing to wound Kith'ix.

These new actions largely negated the majority of advantages that Kith'ix's army possessed. Unable to properly lay the mountains under siege, the aqir were forced to retreat from the area, suffering significantly from raids and guerrilla actions carried out by the Empire of Zul. Kith'nine, seriously wounded during an date with the loa, fled to the northeast with some of its most important aqiri followers. Information technology planned to retire for a time to recover from its wounds, while the aqiri swarm continued its war confronting the trolls.[6]

Though the trolls had successfully driven the aqir away, the Zandalari were aware that they even so posed a potent threat to the continued survival of troll civilization in the time to come. The insectoids, if left unchecked, would go along to attack outlying troll territories, and information technology would only be a matter of time before they once more regained to strength to assault the sacred mountains again; and and so, at the Zandalari's behest, the other tribes moved out in force to hunt downward the aqir. The trolls soon learned that it was non enough to simply defeat or kill the insects. If any escaped underground, they would institute a new colony, increment in numbers, and ascent up again. To permanently end the threat, no corner of the continent could be left unguarded. To accomplish this difficult task, the Zandalari successfully convinced the most power-hungry of the troll factions to constitute new and permanent strongholds across Kalimdor. At the forefront of these groups were the Gurubashi, Amani, and Drakkari tribes. After they had fully vanquished the aqir in their new regions, they could lay uncontested claim to the untouched fertile lands that they now lived in. The ambitious tribes listened to the Zandalari and readily agreed.

A dreaded obsidian destroyer

The Drakkari tribe acted first, pushing into the frigid and snow-covered north against a colony of aqir that had retreated in that management. While they had expected to find numerous aqir, they were shocked and caught off-guard by the presence of corrupted tol'vir guardians. A small grouping of these titan-forged had been captured and enthralled from the nearby fortress of Ulduar. This item type of tol'vir, known as Obsidian destroyers, caused havoc among the Drakkari ranks. Their size and stone skin allowed them to shrug off many conventional attacks, rendering them highly resistant to the trolls' normal form of warfare. The Drakkari were almost overpowered by these constructs, but they had evolved to get tenacious and bright in their thinking through years of gainsay. Somewhen, the cunning fighters adult clever ways to knock over and shatter their foes, without suffering heavy casualties.

Meanwhile, the Gurubashi tribe had ventured to the southwest, where they also encountered corrupted titan forged. The trolls soon discovered that the aqir had overrun the ancient urban center of Ahn'Qiraj, originally built equally a prison complex for the Old God C'Thun. When they seized the fortress, the aqir enslaved the resident guardians, the anubisath giants who guarded the prison. Early engagements betwixt the 2 forces proved disastrous for the Gurubashi. The insectoids, along with their constructs, marched on and massacred several big troll forces and razed numerous encampments. Observing the situation, the Zandalari instructed the Gurubashi leaders to separate their tribe into smaller, more than maneuverable raiding parties instead of large and hands-targeted armies. This new tactic allowed the Gurubashi to constantly bleed the aqiri forces over the years, whittling downwards their numbers while remaining impossible to effectively be attacked themselves. This worked extremely well and, although not quite able to wipe out the aqir completely, the Gurubashi were successful in securing uncontested control of the entire region.


Finally, the Amani tribe had set out to the northeast, their goal to hunt downwards and destroy the aqiri leader, Kith'ix. They tracked the C'Thrax's trail deep into the continent's northeastern woodlands, encountering increasingly fierce resistance the closer they came. Afterwards cutting through legions of aqir, the Amani finally reached the insectoid general itself. In a savage and legendary battle, virtually the entire tribe threw itself at Kith'nine and his remaining forces in a suicidal assault. The C'Thrax, though wounded from the war'southward previous conflicts, personally slaughtered endless trolls. Merely a minute fraction of the tribe survived the terrible engagement, yet Kith'ix eventually succumbed to its tireless hunters. Though it had cost the tribe dearly, the reputation of the Amani became legendary among all the troll tribes for their heroic act. Atop the site where they had slain the C'Thrax, the Amani established a new settlement. In time, it would develop into the impressive temple city of Zul'Aman.

With Kith'ix gone, the aqir did not fight with the same level of ferocity and purpose. The state of war betwixt the trolls and the aqir had shifted dramatically, most unthinkably. Now, determined to never have to face the insectoids' relentless attacks again, the main objective of the trolls became their total extinction. Much fell and encarmine fighting continued for centuries betwixt the two races, the aqir eventually becoming contained within the far northern and far southern reaches of the continent. Key Kalimdor was permanently scoured of their presence. The insectoids, at present seeking just to survive, greatly fortified their surreptitious colonies against farther troll aggression. They showed no further interest in fighting or encroaching on troll territories. In time, accepting the impossibility of ever truly wiping out the aqir, the trolls declared themselves the victors and laid claim to Kalimdor for themselves.[7]


The new territories.

Without the war and imminent threat of destruction to bind them together, the troll nations grew always more distant and insular from each other. The new territories which the tribes now ruled were very far from each other and so equated to relatively piddling interaction betwixt the troll factions. Although successful in its one and only objective, the Empire of Zul equally an idea now began to fade in relevance. The tribes' newly-established strongholds eventually blossomed into vibrant homes, temple cities, and ultimately the seats of empires in their own rights. The Zandalari, meanwhile, content with the consequence of the state of war and the general direction the troll race was taking, withdrew to their mountain plateaus and cities to pursue spiritual cognition. Regardless, they would nevertheless maintain immense influence over the thriving yet disparate troll societies, having ensured the trolls' continued survival in their fourth dimension of greatest need.[7]


The mantid, a new race descended from the aqir

The aqir empire shattered, its insectoid members now existed in several pockets located throughout the continent. Isolated from the residue of their brethren, the aqir began to become more contained and each group started to develop its own culture and duties. Those in the north were drawn to the ancient hush-hush prison of the old god Yogg-Saron. Owing to their proximity to the ancient being, these aqir began to gradually evolve into a new race, the nerubians. They would continue to rebuild in their new domicile, establishing the kingdom of Azjol-Nerub.

Similarly, those contained in the southwest of the continent inhabited C'Thun'southward prison of Ahn'Qiraj. They would make the prison-metropolis's deepest reaches their home and, equally a result of their exposure to C'Thun's presence, would slowly change to become the qiraji. Forgotten by the remainder of the world, they would lie dormant under the basis, with the e'er-present possibility that they may one twenty-four hours emerge and swarm once again. Finally, those aqir confined to the pocket of the southeast of Kalimdor congregated where the dead old god Y'Shaarj's essence all the same polluted the land. Like the other aqir, this item old god'southward influence would gradually warp these insectoids into a unique race, the mantid. Even before the aqir empire had completely fallen, they had begun establishing a great colony known equally Manti'vess, near the fabulous Vale of Eternal Blossoms. From this base, the mantid would forge an empire of their ain and, in the years following the aqir'due south fall, they would remain the near active—and unsafe— of the one-time aqir colonies.[8]


  • At some point during the war, the C'Thrax Mythrax was tasked with invading the jungle region of Vol'dun on Zandalar.[1] He slaughtered the region's Zandalari and sethrak inhabitants until he was defeated past the loa Sethraliss (who gave her own life in the process), though not before Mythrax was able to destroy the disk at the center of the peachy pyramid of Atul'Aman.[9]


  1. ^ a b The Lost Codex 2018-11-03. Blizzcon 2018 Interview: Alex Afrasiabi & Patrick Dawson - Story and Systems | The Lost Codex. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018-11-03.
  2. ^ File:Kalimdor Chronicle.jpg
  3. ^ Globe of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 70 - 74
  4. ^ War of the Shifting Sands
  5. ^ World of Warcraft: Relate Volume one, pg. lxx - 71
  6. ^ a b Globe of Warcraft: Chronicle Book 1, pg. 72
  7. ^ a b Earth of Warcraft: Relate Book 1, pg. 73
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 74
  9. ^ H [30-50] The Keepers' Keys


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